In the field of degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the search for innovative solutions is crucial, especially in urban environments such as asphalt. The creation of a heterojunction g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 in Z-scheme represents a significant advance, making it possible to exploit both the pyroelectric coupling And photocatalytic to maximize degradation reactions. This hybrid system promises to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic processes, providing a promising avenue to purify our environment while fostering innovation in the construction and real estate sector.

Research into the degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in construction materials, particularly asphalt, has led to the innovative development of a heterojunction g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 in Z-scheme. This hybrid system synergizes the properties pyroelectric And photocatalytic, allowing efficient and sustainable degradation of pollutants. By integrating advanced materials such as g-C3N4 and Al:SrTiO3, this approach represents a significant advance in the field of surface and infrastructure decontamination.
Table of Contents
TogglePrinciples of g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 heterojunction
The g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 heterojunction relies on a specific coupling between two semiconductor materials, where g-C3N4 plays a crucial role in the absorption of visible light. THE SrTiO3, doped with aluminum, improves the properties pyroelectric, thus promoting the generation of charges under the effect of ambient heat. This configuration creates efficient interfaces for charge transfer, thereby catalyzing degradation reactions of organic pollutants.
Pyroelectric and photocatalytic coupling
The pyroelectric and photocatalytic coupling in this heterojunction is decisive for the efficiency of VOC degradation. Heat generated by temperature variations in the asphalt activates pyroelectric doping, resulting in excited charge separation. This phenomenon, coupled with the photocatalytic action of g-C3N4 under light irradiation, creates an environment conducive to the decomposition of organic contaminants.
Advantages of using g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 in Z-scheme
This heterojunction has several advantages. First of all, the system Z-scheme enables more efficient energy conversion, ensuring optimal storage and use of materials’ photoconductivities. Additionally, the integration of Ag or other nanoparticles can optimize photocatalytic performance, further amplifying the degradation of VOCs present in asphalt.
Practical applications in asphalt processing
The promising results of this research open up application prospects for the degradation of VOCs in urban infrastructures. Using the g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 heterojunction in Z-scheme, asphalt coatings can be enhanced to transform surfaces into active catalysts, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable urban environment. This innovative approach could substantially reduce air pollution generated by roads and asphalt surfaces.
Future prospects and technological development
The future of heterojunction technology like this looks bright, with many opportunities for optimization and expansion of applications. By further exploring composite materials and refining synthesis methods, it will be possible to improve the efficiency and sustainability of solutions already developed. Continued research could lead to integrated solutions for more effective pollution management in the real estate and construction sector.

- Synthesis technique: Heterojunction g-C3N4/Al:SrTiO3 in Z-scheme
- Main application: Degradation of VOCs in asphalt
- Mechanism of action: Pyroelectric and photocatalytic coupling
- Key benefit: Improved degradation efficiency
- Research phase: Experimental and theoretical studies
- Environmental impact: Reduction of air pollution
- Materials involved: g-C3N4 and Al:SrTiO3
- Usage outlook: Applications in road surfaces